Due to its popularity as figure slimming undergarment, we can easily find many sellers offering shapewear on the internet. Unfortunately, some sellers just go with the trend without caring about the quality of the products they sell. Hence, inexperienced shoppers may get items that don’t live up to their expectations and end up thinking that shapewear’s great effect is a figment of its own. Have you experienced it too?
Ladies, choosing shapewear must be done carefully. You don’t want to end up wasting money without getting satisfactory results, do you? Therefore, the most important thing you should do when buying shapewear is to choose the most effective product, so you will get the maximum benefit in sculpting your curves.
If you’re wondering what the most effective shapewear looks like, here are the guides along with recommendations of the best tummy control shapewear that you should know, so you don’t go wrong when buying it. Peek now!
Able To Provide High Compression For Your Body
Choosing shapewear made of soft materials is important, but you can’t ignore the effectiveness of shapewear itself in shaping your body. That is, choose the one made of materials that are not only soft but also have a good tummy control effect. None other than a material that can provide high compression to your stomach, back, waist and even your thighs.
Generally, popular fabrics used for shapewear with an effective slimming effect are spandex, polyester, latex, nylon, etc. There are shapewear made with a single material or through a combination of materials to provide more benefits and comfort.
Get the Tummy Compression Bodysuit from Shapellx, made from a combination of nylon (which is lightweight yet strong and absorbs sweat well) with spandex (which is elastic, smooth and soft), makes this shapewear not only comfortable to wear but also more effective in creating a beautiful and smooth silhouette. Shapewear with high compression capabilities will hide your fat and belly creases perfectly.
Precisely Designed To Support Its Function
Most shapewear at first glance looks similar in design. However, effective shapewear certainly has a design that has been adapted to its function. Thus, make sure to choose a design that suits your needs so that the shapewear itself can work more optimally and you will get amazing body sculpting results as you can find in Shapellx shapewear before and after.
You can try a tummy control bodysuit with a hook design on the front if you want an hourglass body shape in seconds. This body shaper is tight in tying the stomach, so choose the one that fits your size. You can also opt shapewear with a zipper type. Besides being easy to put on and take off, the zipper design provides a strong yet comfortable tummy control feature.
For sports activities, you can switch to a waist trainer with a velcro adhesive design. This shapewear is more practical and very effective for burning fat. When wearing the velcro adhesive type, your stomach will feel the sauna effect so that it can sweat more. Remember to choose a self-adhesive body shaper made of stretchy material for easy pulling and tightening. The best product recommendation is the neoprene Wrap Belt from Shapellx which can be used for all female figures and all body sizes.
The Longer You Wear It, The More Effective It Is
Considering to wear full body shaper for a long period of time to maintain maximum results, and even get a permanent hourglass body, is not wrong. You can indeed get the best body sculpting results if you wear it consistently, do regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Sounds simple, but many women are unable to wear shapewear for long because they feel uncomfortable. So, the first thing you should do is choose comfortable shapewear. In this case, the seamless body shaper is the most appropriate choice. It is flexible, lightweight and hugs your body like a second skin. That’s why the seamless shapewear is perfect for wearing under any outfit.
To shape your natural curves better, you can also opt the Full Coverage Bodysuit from Shapellx which is made of 70% nylon and 30% spandex that allows your skin to breathe well as long as you wear it. The elastic fabrics and 3 rows of hooks in the front support an effective slimming effect and make your curves smoother, while still providing comfort. This product is also highly recommended to restore your beautiful body shape during postpartum recovery.
Shapewear is known as shaping clothes that can give a magical effect in seconds. But only high-quality, effective shapewear can do that. Make sure you don’t choose the wrong shapewear product, ladies. Hopefully the tummy control shapewear recommendations above clear up your confusion and can help you find the most effective shapewear to shape your precious body!