Tips to Set Up a Stylish Music Corner

Whether you are a simple listener or a potential music lover, whether you like it or not, music occupies a big place in our lives. In the street, at the mall, in concert, at home, in the car or on an old record player … Love it or hate it, it sounds everywhere, on any occasion! If for some, listening is limited to a simple pastime to occupy a trip in the subway, others cannot imagine a life without music. Passionate, they even go so far as to set up a small cozy corner in the living room, in order to make the most of it. Don’t we say that music softens manners? State-of-the-art sound system, competition rocking chair, subdued lighting atmosphere, wall decoration in the colors of your favorite bands … And why not, a corner dedicated to your instrument? Our advice and tips for the most total sound immersion.

The ideal place to install your music

The ideal place to install your music

To imagine a music corner in your apartment or house, no need to condemn a room! Unless you can afford it of course … A few square meters are enough. In the living room, near the window if the view is pleasant or in this more intimate and cocooning corner, under the stairs … It’s up to you to see what you prefer! And if you want to enjoy it solo, nothing is forbidden! This space can very well find its place in the bedroom or the office. There is no real rule. The main thing is to feel good, safe and protected from everyday worries. But we also choose this place strategically according to the desired listening volume. No question of getting angry with the neighbors and risking a fine for noise pollution …

21st century audiophile equipment

21st century audiophile equipment

We knew the era of the hi-fi system, the one that we composed in blocks, a guarantee of quality. An amplifier, a cassette player, a vinyl turntable … We know music! Then came the all-in-one systems in the 90s, and the CD gradually supplanted the vinyl disc. But despite the advent of everything digital and miniaturization, the 21 st century also remains synonymous with a return to authenticity ; a return to basics “connected” in a way. For a trendy and current decor, today’s music corner is adorned with elements that appeal to both the past and the future. A connected speaker kitwith a minimalist design or a quality amplifier and its vintage-look cabinets will be perfect to give the “la”. For the music bank, we now use our smartphone, connected to streaming applications such as Deezer, Amazon Music or Spotify … And for the sake of authenticity, we fall for a vinyl turntable and its inimitable sound reproduction. We choose a retro-style record player to stick to the old vintage amp, or conversely we opt for a modern turntable , to slip into my minimalist decor. All that remains is to complete the collection of 33/45 rpm. Between tubes from the attic found in flea markets and artists of the moment found at your favorite record store, the choice is vast. We don’t hesitate to collect as many as possible, so as to never run out of “good sound”!

Comfort for optimal listening

Comfort for optimal listening

To take advantage of this new space, what better than a welcoming rocking chair or a retro armchair, placed on an ethnic or Scandinavian-inspired carpet? We sit there with a cup in hand, rocked to the rhythm of the music, letting our gaze be lost through the window. Add to that a soft bench covered with simple plaids , or a few poufs … And here is our space ready to welcome other music lovers, in order to exchange around this common passion! It is also the ideal configuration to indulge in the practice of an instrument such as the guitar, nestled at the back of the sofa like a power crooner.

The musical touch that makes the decor swing

The musical touch that makes the decor swing

In order to complete the atmosphere of our musical space, why not opt ​​for a pretty vinyl cabinet found in a flea market, with its compass feet? In addition to the turntable and the records, it can also accommodate some decorative objects from my cabinet of curiosities, a connected speaker or a pretty houseplant. Perfect to add a little life to my decor! Is there room to spare in your musical space? We can, for example, adopt an old used piano! It can be used as an instrument but also as a very elegant counter. And why not treat yourselfa series of stylized posters with the effigy of his favorite groups or festivals? To hang on the wall above the turntable for a look worthy of the biggest recording studios. You can also hang some vinyl covers from his collection: artists now produce “collector’s” editions with colorful illustrations. Finally, to complete the whole thing, we think of bringing a little light in the evening. We love an industrial floor lamp or a garland, for a festive and relaxed atmosphere. The day has just ended, what better than a good little Motown playlistcomfortably installed in your new musical space? We put the record down, we turn up the sound … and let’s move on to the music!